Looking back at my readings, My first thought that comes to mind is that I could have put more effort into my readings. I know I found it hard to come up with 200 words and knowing that I couldn't reach that I just gave up. I feel like I could make a big improvement on my reading's by putting in more effort and sticking at it till it's done, whereas before id go to do it then get distracted and keep going back and forth and forget what I had just read. I do find it hard to sit still and read, I have never been into reading, I find it very boring and a waste of time as to why I find it so hard to do this module.
Looking back on all the work I did on my project it is the opposite to my readings it went from doing good to nothing. Which was defiantly the wrong way to go about it. At the start I had many ideas about what I wanted, I still struggled with coming up with a good amount of words but I had tried my best. When it came to the blog's that had to be very detailed with a big word count it threw me off doing them. I ended up leaving them till last second and then having to rush it. I know it's going to be very hard to improve on this as i will never get over the fact that i have to do so much and I feel like I will never be able to write many words, but if I want to do good in this module I will have to start doing more work on my project blog's.
I have tried to do some tech tips to try and get some marks to make up for not doing some of the project work. It's very small marks compared to them but it's better then nothing.
My favorite picture that i have was the animal crossing one from one of my reading's, I liked this picture the best as it brought back so many memories from when I was a kid playing this game. It used to be one of the most popular games back in the day. I wish i still had a Nintendo to play it for old times sake.
Looking back on all the work I did on my project it is the opposite to my readings it went from doing good to nothing. Which was defiantly the wrong way to go about it. At the start I had many ideas about what I wanted, I still struggled with coming up with a good amount of words but I had tried my best. When it came to the blog's that had to be very detailed with a big word count it threw me off doing them. I ended up leaving them till last second and then having to rush it. I know it's going to be very hard to improve on this as i will never get over the fact that i have to do so much and I feel like I will never be able to write many words, but if I want to do good in this module I will have to start doing more work on my project blog's.
I have tried to do some tech tips to try and get some marks to make up for not doing some of the project work. It's very small marks compared to them but it's better then nothing.
My favorite picture that i have was the animal crossing one from one of my reading's, I liked this picture the best as it brought back so many memories from when I was a kid playing this game. It used to be one of the most popular games back in the day. I wish i still had a Nintendo to play it for old times sake.
I'm looking forward to seeing if I can improve on my work over the coming week's and will hopefully get more mark's to make up for the one's I have lost. I'm hoping that I can some how just sit down and get as much work done as I can without getting distracted. After looking back and seeing how bad some of my post's are I think that will be some motivation for me to do better.
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