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Showing posts from December, 2018

Project Beta

Game Rules 1. Game assets load in with unity’s pre-loader. 2. Main menu appears. 3. Player clicks the play button to start. 4. Timer starts and player spawns on the map with 100 health, 12 ammo bullets and a gun. 5. Player encounters enemies running at him/her, so he shoots them with the gun. 6. Enemies begin to hit the player as the player is running away and takes 15 health points from the player. 7. Player is running around dodging the enemies from hitting him/her as well as shooting them. 8. Player runs out of ammo and must run to find an ammo box. 9. Player finds an ammo box, so he/she gets 12 bullets(ammo) and begins shooting and killing enemies again and trying to dodge the hits from them. 10. Player sees his/her health is running low so goes running around looking for a health box 11. Player finds a health box, so he/she gets 50 extra health and begins shooting and killing enemies again and trying to dodge the hits from them. 12. Player hits into a trap...

Game Testing

I think this was a good article to read about giving criticism as it is what we are doing at the moment by commenting on other peoples alpha and first playable blogs. It tell's us how beneficial it is to get good and bad feedback without being biased. It gives some examples of how to tell someone that there work isn't good by saying something that they could improve on instead of pointing out specifically that you don't like it which i think was a great and helpful thing to have in their article. I also agree that when it comes to game testing that you should get someone that is in your target audience to try it out instead of a random person as their feedback will be the most valuable. I think testing someone's could be fun as you get to tell them what you most enjoyed and liked about it and what you think they could improve on, you could also give them some ideas that they could add to it that they wouldn't have thought of. It would be the ...