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Showing posts from November, 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

I decided to try and find a tutorial on how to add a health bar, I looked through a few but they were pretty bad ones that were made on much older version's of unity so I thought it would be best to not try that as something might not work in the newer version of Unity. So I decided to go through Jimmy Vegas's videos to try and find a health bar and of course I did thankfully. There was a lot of coding for just a health bar, much more then I thought there would be.  It took a long time to get the health bar up and running, I was having a few problems with it, with sizing and placement etc. But in the end i got it working

Game Stories

I found this reading incredibly boring, I tried scanning over it to read the main point's to make a blog and there was no big points that I could see. I did't learn much from the reading as it was just different people's view's on what a story is in a game and how to make a good one and also one of the reading's talked about story for a movie and for poetry...nothing to do with games, and we obviously already know about a story having a beginning, middle and end. The only new thing I learned was that game's can have multiple beginning's, middle's and end's. I do see how the user interface is a big thing in game design as the player sees the controller as part of themselves in game. A good idea I got from the reading was what to name my game as it had mentioned putting the evil into it like "into the woods", or "encountering the evil". Josh Campbell's was prob the most interesting to read out of the boring lot as he  is talkin...

First Playable

I downloaded a assets pack from the asset store called 'citizen of the forest'. I thought this pack would be handy so as I could add some buildings with detail like for instance to add different set's of furniture. I was thinking maybe I could add into my game where the player can take a nap in the bed to gain health back. I then downloaded some asset's from Jimmy Vegas's site. I used his package with the tree's and grass. I Decided to go with this as I've used these asset's before so I know they work good. I Downloaded a gun from the asset store and attached it to the FPS controller by watching a Jimmy Vegas tutorial on YouTube. His tutorial show's how to attach an axe to a player so I'm going to have to find one where it shows me how to make a gun shoot. I have been making my game between two different computer's which have different version's of unity and i keep getting error's here and there which is very annoyi...

Week 8 Progress

Looking back at all my work I can see how much I have missed especially at the start, towards the end it got better and there was more blog's each week. I struggled trying to make 200-500 word's on some blog's so it took me double the amount of time then it should have. This was a big set back for me but I was able to do some tech tip's to make up some of the mark's but unfortunately not all. I am happy that I have improved as of recently, I have done less procrastination and tried my best and have reached the word count in a lot of my blog's. I am actually looking forward to the second semester as I have now become good at doing my blog's so I'm hoping I can come back and get all the mark's there is to get to make up for the first semester. I just hope that what I'm doing now can last another few months and that I don't get fed up of it and start to leave everything last minute again and sometimes not getting it done because of it, because...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I would rate the quality of  the comments and feedback on my blog of very high quality. Everyone has been giving me mainly positive feedback and if it wasn't positive they would always help me by advising me what to add which can be very helpful especially with the game design development. With the GDD the comments are useful as you are getting feedback from your idea in someone else perspective. It is very easy to have one idea in your head and then telling someone else but they see it completely different. Sometimes people can have good ideas that they comment to help you and your like 'how did i not think of that?' I would say the comments and feedback I have given to the other students very good. I would read their blog's and pin point out what I really liked about it and what was good and if there was something they could have improved on i would say it in a nice way. I think everyone has the same strategy of commenting where they start off  by saying hello an...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking back at my readings, My first thought that comes to mind is that I could have put more effort into my readings. I know I found it hard to come up with 200 words and knowing that I couldn't reach that I just gave up. I feel like I could make a big improvement on my reading's by putting in more effort and sticking at it till it's done, whereas before id go to do it then get distracted and keep going back and forth and forget what I had just read. I do find it hard to sit still and read, I have never been into reading, I find it very boring and a waste of time as to why I find it so hard to do this module. Looking back on all the work I did on my project it is the opposite to my readings it went from doing good to nothing. Which was defiantly the wrong way to go about it. At the start I had many ideas about what I wanted, I still struggled with coming up with a good amount of words but I had tried my best. When it came to the blog's that had to be very detaile...

Unity Free Tutorials

I did some research to try and find some decent unity tutorials and I came across a website called 'Udemy'. It is an online learning and teaching marketplace. It has a huge sale on at the moment for black Friday where all tutorials are only €9.99. So I went ahead and bought a tutorial for how to build a first person shooter. Udemy I tried out the tutorial and it was going good, it was teaching me how to change certain aspects of the character like the distance he could jump as well as how fast he can run etc. Then it got to a script for making the gun fire which wouldn't work for me. It was a very small script which was bout 2 lines so I know i had everything right. I tried downloading the version of unity that he had which was unity 5.5 and then tried to open my project in it and then it was saying it was missing something. It's annoying that certain thing's work in the different versions. So it looks like I am going to have to start again on unity 5.5 and...

Game Fun

FUN... everyone has a different interpretation of the word fun, I can think something is fun but someone else could think it's not. With games I have learnt that there are now many words to describe the word fun. Sensation which would be how pleasurable the game is to play. Fantasy  is if it's make believe, some people enjoy playing games like these as they can pretend the unimaginable. Narrative is the drama behind the game, this can make a game interesting. Challenge can make a player keep playing as they want to pass it making it competitive and addicting. Fellowship is a game that has a social network, you can be talking to friends within the game. Discovery is uncharted territory, by playing the game you can discover new places etc. Expression is self-discovery, not really sure what this means... maybe by playing a game you realize who you really want to be as a person? who knows..not me. The last one is Submission which is pastime. A game can have different t...

Tech Tip: Touch Typing Game - Ninja Cat v. Zombie Dinosaur

So, I tried out this game called  Touch Typing Game - Ninja Cat v. Zombie Dinosaur. It's a game that can be used to improve your typing. I think online games could be very beneficial for people who need practice at typing. This game is actually fun and your practicing your typing at the same time so it's a win win situation.

Unity Tutorial 05

The skybox really makes a difference to the game, i didn't think it would but after trying out a few different ones its amazing to see how different you can make the game feel. You can pick a colored sky to match your theme and change between day and night. The fade in is a nice small little touch that makes it 10 times better then without it. I find there to be so many things to remember, I already forget how I did the things from the first few tutorials. So I think I will definitely come into trouble while making my game. I also find unity to be slowing down the more information I put into the game. Building's are actually pretty good quality in game, I thought it wouldn't be. Adding the the wind was a bit difficult i thought but once i got it working it made the game feel like you were in a real life world.

Game Decisions

The Coziness of a game was an interesting article, I wouldn't have thought the word would have fit into gaming. When it mentioned about Animal crossing it brought so many memories back, I haven't even heard the word in years <3 I do remember that game being very enjoyable to play so I can see how it fits into the 'cosy' genre. I found it interesting how much difference colour can make to a mood, wether its playing games or texting someone. Animal crossing